Boolen Function

Hi All,

When I add a Boolean function to the Blueprint the value is not carrying over to the Character Event Graph?
When the value is True within the Blueprint the value is staying as False within Character Event Graph.

Does anybody know why this is and how to fix the issue please. Thank you.





So you have an issue with this, in that your second node (The Self->InCombatMode:: Set CombatMode) is not firing because there is no execution node to that Set Combat Mode. If you drag those white execution pins to that Set Combat Mode (drag both of them) that will give you the result you want.

Looking at the “Can Enter Transition” node you want to check the boolean in an animation blueprint. This will not autmaticaly copy the bool from your character.
You need to update it in the event graph update event of the animation blueprint by getting a reference to the animation target (your character). Im not at home so i cant show you the screenshot for this right now.
