Boolean tool missing under Modeling mode in UE5

Hi, I’m new with UE5, I would like to use boolean but it missing. Anyone know why?


I think ‘MshBool’ under the “PolyModel” category is the tool you’re looking for.

Welcome to the Forums, let us know if that is not the tool you meant!

I don’t seem to have ‘modeling mode’ as an option in the dropdown menu as pictured above. A separate but similar issue that I have had with the menu and options is that some things require going to a part of menu that is greyed out and says “Activate Windows, go to settings to activate windows” and I cannot seem to find where to do so.

Hi Nakamal, Welcome to the forums,

If you’re using an older (pre-5.0) version of UE you might need to activate the modeling tools plugin.

(Edit-> Plugins → enable ‘Modeling Tools Editor Mode’)

Your second issue sounds like a Microsoft Windows problem. (So search ‘activation’ in windows settings for more info on that…) I’m not aware of any UE functionality that gets locked/grayed out if you’re running an unactivated copy of Windows.

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