Pouvez-vous me dire s’il existe une méthode pour passer d’une version Education à une version Commerciale?
Actuellement la version commerciale est bloquée par la version éducation.
Merci d’avance,
Utilisateur mac
Pouvez-vous me dire s’il existe une méthode pour passer d’une version Education à une version Commerciale?
Actuellement la version commerciale est bloquée par la version éducation.
Merci d’avance,
Utilisateur mac
Hi Daniele, @[napoleone.daniel]
Thank you for reaching out! I am not quite sure I completely understand your question, however the EDU version should not block the commercial version. Typically if you are using the Education version, you should still be able to purchase or redeem the commercial version of Twinmotion to your Epic Games account. Then, the commercial version can be separately installed through the Epic Games launcher when logged in with your account.
If you are not seeing the commercial version to install in the Epic Games launcher, please ensure that you are signed in to the Epic Games launcher with the Epic Games account that you have purchased or redeemed Twinmotion with. The latest commercial version of Twinmotion will be listed in the drop-down menu of the Twinmotion tab as "Twinmotion 2022.2.2" and will not say EDU or Trial.
If you are switching from Twinmotion EDU to the commercial version, the EDU files have the same format as the commercial license so those projects should be able to be continued in the commercial version if needed.
If you have any questions about your account, please use the Contact Us button on the home page and we'll be happy to help.
Best Regards,
Hi Morgan,
Thank you for your help !
Sorry for the late reply.
Kind regards,
No worries, happy to help! :)