bonjour mes frere genis, ma question est aue apres avoir installe archicad 25 et 26 avec txinmotion 23 je n arrive pas a sychronise malgre que j ai instale le datasmith

bonjour mes frere genis, ma question est aue apres avoir installe archicad 25 et 26 avec txinmotion 23 je n arrive pas a sychronise malgre que j ai instale le datasmith

Hello ,

For Twinmotion 2023.1, please make sure you are using the 5.1.1 version of the plugin at Twinmotion Datasmith Exporter plugin for Archicad. If you're encountering issues with that plugin version, please submit a bug report at and include details about the issue, such as any error emssages you receive and screenshots of the issue so our support team may assist.


