Bonjour à tous. Je travail actuellement sur un projet sur revit et je rencontre un probleme l'ors du transfert de mon fichier revit vers twin motion.

Alors le fichier se transmets bien dans twin motion il se retrouve bien dans l'arborescende a droite du projet mais ne s'affiche pas sur l'ecran. J'utilise revit 2021 et Twin motion gratuit version 2022.

Est ce que qu'elqun a deja rencontrer se probleme ?

Hello, (Customer)​

Thank you for reaching out, I've recently followed up with your case with us and hope this information is helpful for others who may be experiencing this issue as well:

The issue described is most likely occurring if an incompatible version of the plugin is being used. Please ensure that you have installed the version of the Revit plugin that is compatible with the Twinmotion and Revit versions you are using. The plugins can be downloaded from our page here, and each will have a description of which versions of the software they are compatible with.

If you need to install a different version of the plugin than you currently have installed, be sure to first uninstall your current plugin. We'll have install/uninstall instructions available here: Installing the Datasmith Plugin for Revit

Additionally, if you are using the correct version of the plugin, and are not seeing your model in the viewport, it may be helpful to use the "F" hotkey to focus on the selection, in case the model may be out of the camera's view on import.

Best Regards,
