I have a strange issue. I have two models that share the same mesh Mannequin and my own mesh. My mesh contains two aditional arms was added using ART on Maya. The skeleton is the Mannequin. So both meshes share the same model with no issues on 4.10. Animations and all ok. That’s how you can see them on persona:
My mesh:
The Mannequin, you can see the aditional bones were added, grey.
Now on 4.11 The bones order was changed on my model if loaded into 4.11, so constantly is asked to rebuild the skeleton when swaping.
This is how at 4.11 my mesh bones on persona (I exported the both Mannequin from 4.10 and my mesh and skeleton:
And this is the error when just changing the model.
If I choose yes, the skeleton loses the aditional bones. If i click on my mesh, the bones will be back. So seems because is not the exact bones order as on 4.10. I can upload the model if needed. Any help is highly apreciated.
Best regards!