Bone transform incoherence when using orientation warping and copy pose node


I’m trying out orientation warping node and got some weird results. The weapon bone keeps slipping-off from hands bone.

The image above shows my ABP structure.
The weapon is a different actor from the character and has its own root and animations. I applied the CR at the end of the base ABP and used virtual bone to attach weapon onto hand(set weapon’s transform to hand + VB_hand_weapon)
The problem is, the hand’s locations seems not identical between the weapon’s ABP and the base ABP, as it’s totally normal in preview window in base ABP.

I even tried just copying weapon bone onto hand bone, still no help.

I also found out it only happens to a separated actor(weapon skeletal mesh) attached to the character, when it’s just a component on the same actor it works fine.

Is this a bug?
