# Bone influences per vertex

What is the maximum # Bone influences you can have per vertex?

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Currently its 8. Also keep in mind the engine currently prunes weights below 0.01 so if you have a very highpoly model dirven by a complex rig where a lot of bones influence an area (high probability for having meaningfully skinned vertices with bones below 0.01 threshold) then those areas can get somewhat messed up when importing.

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You can change “SkeletalMeshImport.cpp”:

    const float MINWEIGHT   = 0.01f;

changing that value to 0.004f or similar will give you a few more working vertices. Values below that aren’t working consistently for me, but it might be worth a try.

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Awesome thanks for the replies. I am still learning how to build rigs but, I want to make sure what I do make can be used without issue. The last thing I need is to create a rig skin a model to it, just to have the engine ignore the bones movements due to Max influences reached. This happened to me when modding Skyrim, the Gambryo engine only allows 5 influences so sacrifices were made. Anyway thanks again.

Correct me if i am wrong, but in mobile i think there is a limitation of 4

Yep mobile limitation is 4, you can further set an option to limit it to 2. Plus mobile has limitation on max number of bones.