As a Star Wars fan, I decided to make this short and fun movie with our favorite character - Boba Fett!
The film is not commercial, but just for fun.
Software used - iClone, Unreal Engine 4.26 and Adobe Premiere!
Hey again @nikorusenov,
Hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!
Between the female hulk and now Boba Fett, I’m beginning to become a bit of a fan. I adore that all of your videos have a sense of humor and are really fun and engaging. Despite feeling like I was just flexed on by a dancing Wookie, it made me smile!
Hope you keep sharing your sense of humor and we get to see more dancing creatures soon. Sending lots of support.
@nikorusenov You just got the most powerful endorsement any UE forum member could ever want or hope for!
You Are Becoming an
Unreal Engine Rock Star!!!
And thank you for bringing back the Joys of Our Youths,
and for younger forum members, thank you @nikorusenov for giving them:
The Joys of the Future!
Thank you, boys!!!
Did anyone have to change baby yodas diapers?
Once again, @nikorusenov, you have outdone yourself! As an avid Star Wars fan myself, I really enjoyed this short fan-made cinematic! I laughed so hard when Chewbacca started dancing and at Boba’s response to getting “served.” Fantastic work as usual, and I hope we get to enjoy more cinematic shorts like this from you soon!
Well hey there @Neongho !!!
It’s been a while!!
I hope you are having fun these days!
Well actually Thank You, @nikorusenov !
For sharing
The Beauty of You
with us in
Digital Art Form of Unreal Engine!
ahhahahello rama Nice to see you here it is good to keep the stuff up nice to see you still are : D