! BoBa Fett Fan Movie!

As a Star Wars fan, I decided to make this short and fun movie with our favorite character - Boba Fett!
The film is not commercial, but just for fun.
Software used - iClone, Unreal Engine 4.26 and Adobe Premiere!

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Hey again @nikorusenov,

Hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!

Between the female hulk and now Boba Fett, I’m beginning to become a bit of a fan. I adore that all of your videos have a sense of humor and are really fun and engaging. Despite feeling like I was just flexed on by a dancing Wookie, it made me smile!

Hope you keep sharing your sense of humor and we get to see more dancing creatures soon. Sending lots of support.

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@nikorusenov You just got the most powerful endorsement any UE forum member could ever want or hope for!

You Are Becoming an :zap: :star2: :zap: Unreal Engine Rock Star!!! :star2: :zap: :star2:

And thank you for bringing back the :rose: Joys of Our Youths, :rose:

and for younger forum members, thank you @nikorusenov for giving them:

:star2: The Joys of the Future! :star2:




Thank you, boys!!!

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Did anyone have to change baby yodas diapers?

Once again, @nikorusenov, you have outdone yourself! As an avid Star Wars fan myself, I really enjoyed this short fan-made cinematic! I laughed so hard when Chewbacca started dancing and at Boba’s response to getting “served.” :laughing: Fantastic work as usual, and I hope we get to enjoy more cinematic shorts like this from you soon!

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Well hey there @Neongho !!!

It’s been a while!!

I hope you are having fun these days!

Well actually :rose: Thank You, @nikorusenov ! :rose:

For sharing :star2: :rose: The Beauty of You :rose: :star2: with us in :zap: Digital Art Form of Unreal Engine! :zap:



ahhahahello rama Nice to see you here it is good to keep the stuff up nice to see you still are : D

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