Boat Physics for Multple Mesh Blueprints

Hello all, I am trying to setup and configure a Blueprint of a Ship with multiple mesh parts, however I am finding issues when adding the Buoyancy component as I have so far found that the component seems to only work properly with a single mesh and when I enable the checkbox for “Simulate Physics” and also the “Mass” checkbox, without changing the default value of “100” on all of my meshes, the ship just explodes.

This blueprint of a Ship also has separate Skeletal Mesh cloth Physics Flags and Pennants as well as a turn-able Rudder, there are a few other parts for turning on and off with the visible flag, so these parts have to be separate than a welded mesh.

This Blueprint also has a Spline based track system to allow the Ship to follow a path.

So my question or query is how can I have buoyancy on a sailing ship with several separate parts, as every tutorial I have seen so far on Buoyancy have ether featured applying it to a Cube or a single modern style mesh boat or a small simple rowboat.

So is there any way I could attach my buoyancy that would then effect all the parts without conflicting with each piece and exploding? As when I applied the Simulate Physics checkbox on the main hull only, all the rest of the pieces just were not effected even if parented to the hull. Whereas adding that Checkbox on all parts just exploded the ship when I went into Simulate.

I have Cloth Flags working fine and the ship follows a Spline path, I just need to have this Buoyancy issue solved.
Please advise as to what else to try in order to get this to work. Thanks

turning on physics simulation ‘separates’ the meshes by design, they will just explode trying to get away from each other overlapping. You should enable it only on the main mesh or collider you attach stuff to. As for buoyancy and path following I have bad news, since buoyancy is physics simulated it negates the usual pawn movement methods, such as your spline path follower logic unless it was made with physics in mind. I also work on game with boats and getting them to navigate around the water is a pain, I ended up using PID controller for steering and throttle forces and somewhat ‘manual’ waypoint following.

thinking of it, you can have other mesh components simulating physics if you connect them with physic constraints comp, in my experience for the buoyancy it’s best to have single mesh/shape with physics sim and set the mass on rest of meshes to zero as they affect center of mass otherwise.