Anyone know any board game tutorials?
My wife now wants to give UE4 a try and wants to make a 3D “Monopoly” type game.
I am also looking for tutorials on race/driving games for my younger boy.
Anyone know any board game tutorials?
My wife now wants to give UE4 a try and wants to make a 3D “Monopoly” type game.
I am also looking for tutorials on race/driving games for my younger boy.
I’d be quite keen to find a tutorial for that also! Here’s hoping someone passes by who knows of one =)
This should probably be under the content creation forum as this is not a tutorial.
But my initial thoughts on the matter is if you are making a Monopoly style game the hardest part may be who owns which title, and how to move to each title.
My suggestion is to make a structure containing data about each potential spot on the board and what may be important information for this slot.
For example…
TileName: Boardwalk
Rent: $50.00
PlayerOwned: 2
Houses: 0
Hotels: 1
Mortgage: False
ChanceCard: False
CommunityCard: False
and so on…
Then make an array of this structure that is the max size of tiles on the board in length. Order the tiles in which they appear on the board.
EG: GO is tile 0, Mediteranian(spelling?) is 1, Community Chest is 2, and so on.
This setup would make moving and displaying pathing really easy. Let’s say you’re on GO and you roll a 5. Okay, so set your destination to 5, being 0 you know your next tile is 1, at 1 you know your next tile is 2, and so on.
Let’s say max tiles are 50 and you roll a 5 while on 49, that would put you at 54. The easy solution would be if tile > 50, tile = 50 - tile. A board game can be as easy or complex as you want it.
Unreal Engine 4 Puzzle Template is the way id go first…
look at that tutorial and that will give things like basic click this and that happens… etc
from that im sure you could start mocking up a Game using the UMG which in normal words means HUD…
and in there its pretty easy to drag a picture out set material/texture etc… Please reply here your finds for others to look…
Great question btw and i hope you get what you need for your wife and son…
Driving wise hummm
i hate giving simple links but as i DONT know this side …
UE4 made a tutorial or a LOOKAt of the driving template or setting one up…
Actually i may start looking into this as i have managed to import roads etc…
GOod Luck
Hello There.
Not sure it’s the right topic but I’m actually developing a basic board game game-play.
Here are the specs.
A piece has to move from one slot to another and needs to trigger one jump between each slot.
each slot has to be highlighted each time the piece hits one.
Here is how I proceeded.
I have the piece alongside with a ten frames looping jump animation.
I set up an actor blueprint with an array of input slots
I feed the array within my level and the BP draws a spline with a point on each slot at construction,
Then I animate the piece using a timeline within my BP. Before moving the piece along the curve I loop the jump animation.
Here the wall I’m currently hitting. I’m trying to adjust the rate of the jump so it synchronizes on each piece but the distance along the curve varies a little bit between each piece so no matter how I
adjust the rate of the jump animation within my blueprint, it might fall down correctly on some pieces but not all of them.
Is there a way to setup a loop that would wait for jump animation to be finished in order to iterate so I can adjust play rate between each curve point ?
I hope this is clear enough.
Thank you.