I’m trying to run a blutility through the new “Call in Editor” checkbox, I select the script through the Details panel, and click “Run” but nothing happens. I added a “Print Script” and added a breakpoint, but nothing happens or is shown. There is simply no response whatsoever.
I looked into this a bit more and unfortunately blutility is in a highly experimental state at this moment and is not officially supported. Once we have a stable build we will be better able to support the feature.
I have just happened across this thread, this reads like a script to test the actor blutilities. Blutilities will not trigger breakpoints and the print string will not display in the game viewport unless you are in play in editor mode. This is a touch confusing but it doesn’t mean the that the blutility isn’t running, just that the feedback you implemented requires you to be playing in editor.
Thanks! It didn’t work with any actual code either, but this will help me in debugging. I haven’t tried it for a few releases, I’ll leave it be for now.