Blury Texture When importing skeletal mesh

So im importing a skeletal mesh from blender to ue4 but in blender it looks pretty good for me but when i import it to ue4 it got blurry and it will cast some weird shadows here is the picture


After import in ue4

so do anyone have any ideas why this happened?

If you are talking about the issue with the sights, go back into blender and apply an Edge Split modifier to the model. Then re-import and see how it turns out.

Edit for explanation:
You applied smoothing to the model, and all systems have issues with smoothing connected surfaces that are over a certain degree. Edge Split will double the vertices in these areas to give you back the sharp edges are they should be.
It also looks like you used a Boolean for the sight, so that may give other problems, but lets see if the Edge Split helps you out.

yes im talking about that and also it happens in some other places to such as barrel and also no i didnt smooth my model and once more i didnt use boolean i use simpler tool which is a knife project and also isnt an edge split will double the amount of polys?

Thank you and this really fix all of my problem :slight_smile: