Blurry even without motion blur


Ive had this issue for a while, but only now took time to look more into it. In the video, you can see especially if you watch the foxes ears, that they get blurry/theres noise blur when it moves.

I have tried to turn off motion blur in the project settings.

I have also disabled it in the post process volume and in the player camera.

Is there something I’m missing? Is it not motion blur?

Thank you in advance!

I assume you’re talking about the white streaks when the ears move down?

Is this a movie you captured by filming your screen? Because that artifact looks almost exactly like LCD display panel switching lag.

Yes its the white streaks :slight_smile:

This is for a game, I just recorded to show how it looks with OBS.

It happens in the editor too.

Others who have playtested have also noticed it on their pc.

is there a setting for that?

I think the whole engine is doing this at the moment, I’m assuming it’s Lumen. :sweat_smile:

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Ah, yep, lumen was the issue. I hope its fixed sometime soon :smiley:

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Okay never mind… Disabling lumen got rid of some weird noise on the foliage, but not on the animal when its moving :sweat_smile:

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Basically anything that moves does this, for me…

Good to know I’m not the only one then. I’ll wait for a fix until then. Thanks for the fast reply! :slight_smile:

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It might be some other feature – Ambient occlusion? Bloom? TXAA?
Sounds like some experimentation is in order.

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It’s something that was rolled out with 5.