Blurred textures imported with Datasmith 5.3 Preview 1

I just found out that all the textures that imported with Datasmith under Unreal Engine 5.3 Preview 1 will turned out blurred. I’ve tested on 5.21, it looks fine. Please help to fix this issue ASAP. The main reason using 5.3 is you can change the lighting setting that imported with Datasmith, you can’t do it on an older version of unreal engine 5.

Where do you udatasmith file come from?
Could you share it with us?

Sure UE_FlavienP, here is the file: Testing.7z - Google Drive

Kindly test to export with other version of UE5, it will be fine. Only 5.3 Preview 1 has this problem. Thanks

Something strange, because I get good resolution at some point on 5.2, 5.3P1 and upcoming 5.3.0.
Even with your project I also get good resolution, I am wondering if you did not wait long enough or if something prevent the finishing of built of material / texture.
Did you try to reopen just the mesh in the static mesh viewer?

In 5.3P1 texture editor, the Mip Gen Settings will be set as FromTextureGroup by default. I may need to set it back to NoMipmaps manually. In 5.2.1, don’t have this issue.