Bluprint swich

Hello everyone! I’m working on the arh vizer explorer project and I want to add the ability to switch from the free camera to the first person view using a button in the menu, but I don’t know how. I tried using the button, it changes, but the character doesn’t move

Instead of switching the camera, Possess the character - that should switch the camera automatically and let that pawn process input. Assuming here you’ve set up movement, ofc.

I did this, but the character doesn’t move

How is the movement implemented then? Do input actions fire?

In this file or template the camera is set to default and I add a level blueprint, transition to first person camera and it just stands there although in a clean project it moves fine/
I’m just new to this and don’t fully understand what and how to do, where I need to register or add movements to some blueprint

You would like to create a blueprint inheriting from “DefaultPawn” , and then add a camera in that blueprint, implemented enhanced input, last switch between those pawns , that’s all…
DefaultPawn already has flying movement implemented

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here is a sample

You said character, you’d need to implement the entire movement method yourself.

However, If all you want is just a default flying pawn that has the movement set up @zoe_wxq has covered that. Either use it as is, or extend it to add more functionality.