I ended up moving over to UMG / Slate since CEF ended up being complete overkill. Can I ask why you are choosing a CEF UI over UMG?

I found that the things I could do in UMG were pretty close to or better than any HTML, CSS and JS I could have made, not to mention UMG was quicker development time, less fiddly and less resource hungry than BLUI. I am having a hard time thinking about reasons I actually need CEF in my UI now.

Three reasons, one is anecdotal:

  1. My team has years of experience building feature-rich AngularJS application front-ends. The flow is quick and powerful with AngularJS + CSS3 for us. CSS3 + HTML + JS has been developed and honed specifically for the exact purpose of user interaction.
  2. Complete separation of the UI from the game, via our standarized API allows for the UI to be made completely standalone, then the API is just plugged up.
  3. We initially started with UMG/Slate, but a few corrupted saves later and inconsistency in scaling and we were done with that as a permanent user-facing solution.


Anywho - Iā€™ve got my gameā€™s UI set up on a single CEF overlay, and then a few dynamic spool-ups for 3D uis. If anyone is curious how to do I can explain further.

For sure, Iā€™m not still there but blui sounds and any help will be . I guess the hardest part to me is understand both the unreal integration and the web design together. A youtube video or a demo level sure will help a lot of us to discover this new feature. If I can help you or any other (as much as my skills lets me= in any way let me know.

This plugin has solved some otherwise incredibly difficult problems in my project, , thanks for developing it.
That said, I could REALLY use the functionality added to recent CEF versions. Do you see that happening? If there is any information you can provide to the community that may help that process please share.
I understand school takes priority, thanks again.

I am trying to use this plugin to simulate the drag and drop but it is not successful
bassically I trigger the leftmousedown and then when I want leftmouseup
but no drag is happening, can someone give me a hint ?

Okay I managed to make the simple drag and drop. but it does not work in soe cases
for example it does not work with html 5 . try your code with : HTML Drag and Drop API
However it works with Draggable | jQuery UI
additionally I canā€™t do a multi line selection.

can anyone help me with this ?

Anyone else using BLUI with UE 4.14? When starting a packaged game it takes about a minute before even the splash screen shows up if BLUI is included in the project. If I remove BLUI everything starts as expected, i.e. the splash appears after a few seconds. I am not quite sure how to debug this either, cause the delay happens before the logging is initialized. So I suspect itā€™s something that happens when the engine loads the plugin or something with loading CEF, but Iā€™m just guessing. (Iā€™m skipping from 4.11 to 4.14 so I am not sure how it behaves in 4.12 and 4.13)

Anyone else using BLUI with UE 4.14? When starting a packaged game it takes about a minute before even the splash screen shows up if BLUI is included in the project. If I remove BLUI everything starts as expected, i.e. the splash appears after a few seconds. I am not quite sure how to debug this either, cause the delay happens before the logging is initialized. So I suspect itā€™s something that happens when the engine loads the plugin or something with loading CEF, but Iā€™m just guessing. (Iā€™m skipping from 4.11 to 4.14 so I am not sure how it behaves in 4.12 and 4.13)

Seems to start in UE 4.12, in 4.11 the splash appears after a couple of seconds but in 4.12, 4.13 and 4.14 it takes a minute before the splash appears.

How can you activate pepper flash module?

Hi! Does this work on UE4 4.13?

Hi! Does this work on UE4 4.13?

yes it does

Onlinesub missing ?

Hi, I Try Build the last release and i Receive this errorā€¦ Why

libcef_dll_wrapper.lib(frame_ctocpp.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for ā€˜_MSC_VERā€™: value ā€˜1800ā€™ doesnā€™t match value ā€˜1900ā€™ in Module.Blu.cpp.obj


Got a few questions about Blui -

  1. Does this work with 4.14.3? It looks like the Plugin has not been updated for a while. :\
  2. Does anyone have any advice on what to use for a ā€œDesignerā€ tool? Adobe Edge animate is dead and Tumult Hype is Mac only.

Hi fellow blui users. Iā€™ve been using my plugin build for many versions now - and I know itā€™s glitchy, especially with the 1 min delay on startup with packaged projects. Does anyone have a link to a GitHub fork which is current, and also contains a working, current version of CEF - even better - a version of CEF which is built with the flag set that allows media codecs that arenā€™t just the open source codecs? Many thanks in advance!

Hi, delay 1Min when Package in Log show this message

[QUOTE]] bind() returned an error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

This error in CEF CEF in GitHub BLUI project not Updated

Is this plugin compatible with Unreal Engine 4.14.3? Iā€™m using the 3.1 release from the Github page but Unreal keeps telling me the plugin is incompatible when I go to load. :confused: Any ideas?

Guys hello, does this plugin still work on 4.15? Is something special I need to do in order to make it work?

I have this message error : ā€œMissing or incompatible modules in BLUI plugin - would you like to disable it?ā€
Maybe itā€™s not compatible or maybe itā€™s my fault.

Someone have an idea please ?

I have this message error : ā€œMissing or incompatible modules in BLUI plugin - would you like to disable it?ā€
Maybe itā€™s not compatible or maybe itā€™s my fault.

Someone have an idea please ?

I have the same problem, any fix?

Hi allā€¦ Just had successfully integrate and ran BLUI ExampleHUD on UE4 3.14.
Web page is rendered on the viewport nicely :slight_smile:
A quick question on the functionality. Is it possible to render the HTML content to mesh.
If its possible can anyone show a BluePrint screenshot on how to attain such capability?

Greatly appreciate any help on this.
Thank you