Bluescript functionality for throwing multiple objects?

Hey all!

I am looking for a way to have my character be in a room and throw around multiple tomatoes.
Here are my level and actor blueprints:

The problem is that the player now picks up one tomato, throws it, and then is not able to pick up any other tomato. In fact, when trying to pick up another tomato, it automatically picks up the tomato that was already thrown, even when out of range.

If it is of any help, I tried following this UE tutorial (which was more focused on working with VR, but basically the game functionality in their example is what I’m aiming at).

Where did I go wrong?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Edited first message since my guess was incorrect

The problem you are having is related to your “EndOverlap” event.
You are using a boolean to check if object is in range.

When you detect an object in range in BeginOverlap, you set “R Object in Range” to true.

When you detect an object leaving range with EndOverlap, you intend on setting “R Object in Range” to false but you cant reach it cause you check, at the beginning, if “R Object in Range” is true, and it is, so it doesnt continue.

Here is a better setup for you blueprint, not relying at all on booleans.

If you need more explaining about the setup let me know :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response!
This sounds like it should be very easy to try out, but to be honest I have very little experience in UE… so I have no idea how to go about your suggested fix. Is there any way you could perhaps show a (visual) representation of how my blueprint should look like, according to your suggestion? Would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Edited my message for you to have a better way of understanding :slight_smile:

Yes this worked for me! Thanks a bunch!

Anytime :slight_smile: good luck with your project