Blueprints with simulated physics bodies start out with their location vector multiplied by two


Things work fine in the editor window, but when I run a standalone game then blueprints with physics bodies in them start in wrong locations. By wrong I mean their location vectors seem to have been scaled by two. If I disable simulation for these bodies then location is correct. This happens even with the simplest logicless Actor Blueprint with nothing but a single Collider if the Simulate Physics -box is ticked. And, just to make sure, I put one of these blueprints to (0, 0, 0) because I wanted to see what would happen. Well, it started at (0, 0, 0). Then I put one at (10, 20, -30), and it started at (20, 40, -60).

Does the standalone game use a different physics scale than the editor window?

I’m using UE 4.11 Preview 6.

Hi ,

I’ve moved this over to the Bug Report section. I’m still investigating this but I will post here as soon as I have more info.

Thank you for the report. I was easily able to reproduce the issue and I’ve created JIRA UE-27535. Our developers will be investigating the issue further and we will post back here with questions if and when we have them.



Excellent, thank you for the quick response!

Just thought I’d mention that I tested this with 4.11 Preview 7 and the bug still persists. It’s not present if I make a build. Only if I choose standalone game in the editor.