blueprints widgets not working in packaged game

Hi everyone, I just finished a demo of my game but i have a big issue and I can’t fix it! In play editor the widgets work fine but when I package the project THEY DOESN’T SHOW UP!!! Please help me

Sorry, I see you still have no answer on this.

I just saw something related. Apparently, because of the way things are coded, or the way assets are referenced, it is possible things that need to be packaged, don’t get packaged.

Have you looked in the log file after running the game in a development packaged build?

I found this in logs:
LogSlate: InvalidateAllWidgets triggered. All widgets were invalidated
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for ‘WidgetCarousel’ in 0.0002 seconds. Added 0 classes and 0 folders.

Ok, something I saw was to include the widgets on the list of nativization blueprints, but you don’t actually have to enable nativization. It forces the system to package them…

EDIT: And another I found:

All widgets doesn’t work and I didn’t add a branch before creating them

Hi everybody! I got the same problem. My widgets work fine in the editor but once in the packed exe they just don’t show up. Does anybody how to solve this? Thanks!

yes I solved. you probably made an user widget and not a blueprint widget

I checked it and wasn’t the problem. First it happened with a countdown widget but with a simly delay I get to show it. But now I got another widget that does not appears and I tried adding delays to let them charge it but does not work.

Привет всем! У меня та же проблема. Мои виджеты отлично работают в редакторе, но в упакованном exe они просто не отображаются

в конце концов я заставил его работать, и в этой другой ссылке я мог бы дать несколько советов, как заставить виджеты появляться

**In my case, my game instance was holding widgets.
I was creating an reference to the game instance through my character’s construction script, which doesn’t work in build.

**For me the solution was to move Cast To Game Instance nodes
from my character Construction Script
to my character Event Begin Play

I was having a similar issue, potentially the same issue. What solved it for me was to use a “User Widget” as the Parent Class.
I was using the “Editor Utility Widget” as the parent class which works great in the editor but will not be included in a packaged build.
Hope this helps anyone who is having this issue.