I just updated to 4.7.5 from 4.6 and had to redo it a couple of times because my project would just crash upon loading the editor. I fixed this by just opening an empty level created in 4.7.5 instead of one from 4.6.
However, whenever I now boot up my project and try to open up a Blueprint in the editor, the editor just freezes for a good 5 minutes before it starts opening the Blueprint.
After this opening any other Blueprint works as expected without freezing.
This is the one error that shows up in my log after the freeze ends:
LogBlueprint:Warning: [“OneOfMyBlueprints”] RecreatePinForVariable: ‘Output_Get’ pin not found
Further investigation revealed that if I avoid opening any Blueprint after booting the editor up and just go straight to loading a different map, it starts wanting to verify blueprints and shortly after that gets stuck on "Loading Import ‘BillboardComponent_180’ before unfreezing 5 minutes later and actually loading the map.
The final messages that appear are a bunch of “Finalizing load of…”.
Is there some data that just isn’t loading in properly for the Editor or something?
Opening Blueprints that are outside my main project content works fine. BP_Sky_Sphere for example opens without freezing if it’s the first blueprint I open. If I then open another Blueprint after it that I’ve made myself the initial freeze happens.
My project also runs fine, but some weird things are happening with my UMGs where things that shouldn’t be visible are popping up over other things…but I’m looking into that still.
Last thing I’ve checked is creating a new project in 4.7.5 with starter content (Blank Blueprint project).
Opening a Blueprint in that project also causes a freeze the first time, but because it has a lot less Blueprints than my project the freeze is very short. Opening Blueprints after that comes without any sort of freeze.
I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. I have a few questions that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick question:
Could you provide your dxdiag?
I see that you mentioned reproducing this in a clean project, however how short is very short (in reference to how long it took to open a blueprint)?
Can you reproduce a long wait time in clean project?
Does this freeze happen when compiling your blueprint?
When moving things to the empty 4.7.5 level that is mentioned in the first paragraph did you migrate the assets or did you copy and paste them directly from folder to folder?
The whole thing or just the top part with system specs?
1 second. However this 1 second is 0 seconds after the first time. Just like the 5 minute freeze in my main project turns to 0 seconds after going through that freeze once.
Only if I copy one of my bigger Blueprints into that project, but because it contains a lot of references to other Blueprints that it can’t find there it spits out a book full of errors.
No. Once I’m at the point where I can open a Blueprint I can compile it and everything acts as normal, just like in 4.6 and previous versions.
I haven’t actually moved anything to that level. It’s still empty. But the project migration was done by converting a clone in place, which barely took any time with that new 4.7.5 map set to the default map. It took forever and eventually crashed if I used one of my previous project maps.
Something that I’ve thought about:
Is it compiling all my Blueprints when I first try to open one of them?
It used to do this when the Editor first opened, but it doesn’t seem to do that anymore because the for the Editor is super short compared to what it was in 4.6.
edit: Also, during the freeze the RAM used by UE4 goes up from 1.6GB to 4.3GB. (I have 16GB so the size isn’t really cause for concern, but something obviously is happening)
Thank you for the additional information, however I am still unable to reproduce this issue on our end. Would it be possible for you to provide me with your project so that I may take a closer look at it? You could do this via dropbox for google drive.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.