[BluePrints] Select Spawn upon Level Load

I dont know what is selecting which PlayerStart to use when I first load a new level. I have a respawn set up whenever you die that selects 1 of 2 spawns depending on your team number. I have the respawn system being called from a client request in MyPlayerController which then sends a request to the server to confirm if I can actually respawn, still within the MPC class, and if that returns true it will call the respawn function in MyGame (game mode) which drops in the spawnActor, possesses it, runs a function to determine the team spawn location and sets the spawned pawn at that location n rotation.

So I have the logic to respawn, and I have it all replicated approprietly but I just dont know where it needs to be in order for the first spawn to be correct, when you join the game you spawn at a seemingly random location.

Thanks everyone,

Okay, so in MyGame on the event PostLogin I had to cast the New Player node that comes with that event to the pawn and do modifications on that.

Event PostLogin gives you the PlayerController of the new Joined Player.

If you want to use your respawn system for the first “spawn”. Then you need to set the DefaultPawnClass of you GameMode to “none” and use the “PostLogin” node to spawn a new Character and posses it with the Controller you got from the PostLogin node.

Or you use the BeginPlay of the Controller and make a “Switch has authority” check to check if the player is client or server. If he is a client, just call a function on server to spawn him. If he is the server (assuming the server is also a player), you can directly spawn and posses him.