Blueprints not working/communicating properly after packaging

Hello all,
I am working on a settings tab for my menu and unfortunately, after packing the game to see if everything works properly, it didn’t work properly. Everything works perfectly fine inside the editor, even saving/loading settings after quitting and launching the game from editor again, but breaks once I package the game; development and shipping build are both non-functioning.

First I have this chain running in level blueprint when MenuMap loads, which is as soon as the game runs:

It loads a save file if it exists and if it doesn’t it creates one. If it exists then it loads values from this save file for my audio volumes.

This is the BP_SettingsSave blueprint btw, it’s just an empty SaveGame blueprint that stores float values for the volumes.

Now whenever the player clicks on Audio Settings button to open the audio tab an event called AudioConstruct runs.

This just sets the sliders’ values to values loaded from the save file.

Last comes the actual interactive part. Whenever you change the slider’s value it’s supposed to change the volume and the corresponding percentage.

However, I found that after packaging, the SET node right after Slider Value Changed just doesn’t register at all, or rather, it sets the volume and the percentage to 0, no matter how you position the slider. I tried putting SetText right after the Slider Value Changed and it worked fine, so this makes me think that the BP_SettingsSave values just get set to 0 and don’t communicate with the widget blueprint properly. Another problem is that the Save Slots are probably not getting genrated at all either. When I exit the game and start it up again, the volume and percentage get set to default 100% again, until I touch the slider and they set to 0% again. I’m really at loss at this point I don’t know what I could try. Any help at all would be extremely appreciated. Of course if additional information is required I’ll gladly provide it.


When is AudioConstruct event called?
Did you check if the Save Settings Reference is Valid when you move the slider?

AudioConstruct is called when the player clicks on Audio button in the settings, which opens the audio settings.

I just checked if the reference is valid and in the editor I’d say yes, it returns BP_SettingsSave, but in packaged version it returns NONE