Blueprints not animating when rendering

Hello. I couldn’t find a solution for my problem so I’m gonna post it there (still new to unreal btw).

Here is my problem :

I have set multiple blueprints with custom animations that switch between static meshes using an instancer, all animated in a level sequence.

The sequence itself is inside the master sequence as a shot with camera cuts.

When previewing the sequence, everything works fine, the blueprints are animated properly but when I try to render the camera shots, all the blueprints are still moving but stuck on one frame(one static mesh).

I changed them to spawnable, then to possessable again but it didn’t work. Is there a simple fix or a way to explain why the blueprints dont work in the exported render?

Hi daleks,

Did you ever find out how to resolve this issue? I am encountering this now, so hopefully you have found the solution.

After scouring the Google machine, I found a nugget that was not the resolution but led me to the solution. If anyone else has the same issue discussed in this post, reach out and I will be more than happy to walk you through it.

Hi lmissuk1,

Came across the same. Need ur guidance on this issue. Thanks.

Hi, how did u solve this issue?