Why are blueprints not connected with verse? One of the nice benefits of blueprints was they provide a way to learn the logic behind coding vs getting bogged down with orders and syntax. I’ve been able to learn some code languages much easier from playing around with blueprint and I still find that visual programing is great for designers. Is Epic not going to connect the two (maybe have nodes using verse) or is epic going to move away from visual scripting altogether (which would be sad to see as it’s much easier to learn starting out).
Hi Rexalbel,
As someone who has basically made a career atop Blueprints, I hear you.
During the Q&A section of the GDC “The Verse Programming Language” talk, it was acknowledged that Verse scripting with Blueprints is somewhere down the roadmap.
(The vid hasn’t been posted to Youtube yet otherwise I’d link it)
Currently everything is so ‘tangled up’ in the context of Fortnite I think we’d just end up with a bunch of FN specific nodes/cruft. (Kind of like how the concept of ‘Damage’ carried its legacy from the Unreal Tournament days.)
Looking forward to the future.
How is this going? I see a massive error on Epic to make a UGC system with a NEW language. Using a Visual Scripting system would take A LOT of developers go in and will face Roblox a lot because the easiest programming method.
Now with Roblox AI is getting more difficult for Fortnite to follow the path without an easy programming system. Remember we’re talking about UGC.