[Blueprints Improvements] Design + Workflow

  • Clean and minimal design without 90x style effects
  • Automatically offset the the following or prev nodes in a chain when inserting a new node
  • Combine main nodes to one:

Just one (Example: Math Node) with drop down menu with possible functions or connections (multiply, division…)
No more individual nodes for the same stuff like float*float / float * int / float * vector

like a Node Editor in Blender ! is realy cool and modern !


From programmer point of view, combining nodes is more mouse clicks which is no good, i find myself really annoyed by blueprint workflow - rightclick on mouse, type in the name, go back to mouse to drag around. Especially with accuracy required to actually drag wires, the problem which was reported a lot of times and epic ignore for some reason (not that exciting as vr i guess).

Tip: You can help achieving cleaner look by disabling default background grid, it brings a way better readability.
Some clean, non-shine/gradient/effect design would also be nice (and easier wire dragging :rolleyes: ), so +1

I personally like the Styling and would prefer even more custom *styling *and *theme *options (its visual scripting after-all). I would go as far to allow the insertion of media: videos, images, audio. Can you imagine 3D Blueprint Nodes. However, I can see some advantage of a option to disable or use a minimum theme.

Automatic Horizontal Connection Straightening would be welcomed. Can someone tell me wheres the snap-to-grid feature? I can even see a use for ‘Hide’ Connection feature.

The ability to collapse multiple nodes into one exist in several forms: collapse node, collapse to macro, collapse to function. For math one can use a Math Expression node.