Hi.How can i find the function on my main blueprint.I want to connect with event begin but it’s not showing my main blueprint page.Thx for help
is this your level blueprint? which other blueprint are you trying to execute nodes on from this one?
I dont think you can call the Beginplay event. Instead have the beginplay event call your own custom function and other blueprints can call that same function from a reference to that actor who has it.
Your main trouble seems to be - how do you get a reference to that actor so you can call that function? So thats ahy i ask which blueprint is trying to make which ither blueprint execute something
I have one level and i use only this.It’s a endless map and has boxes.I need the random size in the box it’s my level blueprint.It’s function in my level blueprint.So i need to call this function on my main blueprint.I am a new in unreal engine so it’s complicated for me now.I use spawn actor for calling level but idk how to call cube in my main bp.
What do you mean by “main” blueprint? You are within a function in the level BP? So you referenced Cube 1 through the level BP…but what are you calling then your “main” blueprint? I am not understanding.
Blueprint is not object it’s a class and in order to call function on it you need to have reference to object, just making variable won’t help you, you need to set object to that variable first.
There many ways how to do it, but in your use case, you should set the scale right away after spawn. Spawn Actor node return object refrence to object that was created so you could use that. Other option for you is to is set scale on cube blueprint it self in BeginPlay, or else you want to control it. I made old tutorial about classes and object it should open eyes a little bit: