Blueprints can develop a hard reference dependancy chain, but C++ derived classes do not?

Using the reference viewer / size map you can identify when some blueprints hard reference each other. And consequently, all the hard references in one get loaded from the other, so you can end up with a problem that can apparently only be broken by using a blueprint interface.

However, I’ve done a test with a c++ base class. If two c++ classes hard reference each other, and then I derive blueprint classes from those c++ classes, the blueprint classes show no dependancy in the reference viewer.

That seems like a way to get around the problem without having to use as many interfaces. But am I just hiding the problem, without actually solving it?

Technically I am not actually working in c++. I am using Angelscript, but as far as I can tell it is handling references in the same way as a c++ class would.

For some reason, soft class references still make a hard reference in 5.1. I’d be interested to hear from anyone who thinks otherwise…

Can you expand on that?

When it comes to cooking, sure, both soft and hard references will pull the referenced asset into the cook, that’s on purpose. But they should definitely not be counted as a hard reference at runtime during loading. An exception to that is the soft reference’s variable type, the type will be hard referenced which it shouldn’t in my opinion and why you should usually have a C++ class as the variable type, but anything you put as the value shouldn’t be hard referenced.

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Thanks for dropping by Ari :slight_smile:

If I make two actor blueprints, MyBlueprint1, and MyBlueprint2. MyBlueprint2 contains a soft ref to MyBlueprint1


When I look at the size map of MyBlueprint2, I get

It could well be that I’m misinterpreting how this is supposed to work, but I’m pretty sure in UE4, this did not happen?

Sorry for hijacking the thread @BIGTIMEMASTER :sweat_smile:

Big fan of your community work @ClockworkOcean, keep up the good work!

Regarding your example, that will happen when the Soft Reference variable Type is of a blueprint. Can you try making the variable take in Actor as the type but still keep the value of the variable to be a reference to the MyBlueprint1?

C++ class references are never counted as asset dependencies as C++ classes aren’t “assets” and don’t need to be loaded per se, every C++ class type in your game’s modules will get initialized at the start of the application, but that’s fine as they’re tiny. That’s why you’re seeing a difference between asset references and C++ class references.

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thank you!

i marked solved, not to end discussion at all as @ClockworkOcean has added some great questions related to the general question as well.

Dooohhh! - what I meant was

But doesn’t work when you keep it as a variable ref ( fair enough ).

I think there’s another answer I have to go and correct, somewhere… :smiley:

If your variable is always going to point to an object that exists at runtime or null it actually doesn’t have to be a soft reference, you can make it a hard reference as the difference of hard/soft BP references mostly make a difference when loading the parent asset.

But it’s good to get the basics cleared up, so let’s take a look at what makes a hard reference!

When you have an Object Reference variable of a certain Type, the variable’s Type will be a hard reference:

↑ Variable ChildActor’s Type is BP_TestChildActor. This means that it can hold any object that is or extends that type. But a variable’s Type itself will always get hard referenced so it also creates a hard reference to that class, even though ChildActor is set to null.

(When using a variable of the type Actor Object Reference you can only set the default as level actors in the Class Defaults since it only allows you to point to runtime or level actors.)

To remove that hard reference to the type you’ll need to use some Type that doesn’t count as a hard reference. For those you can use C++ classes or Interfaces.

↑ In this example the variable has been made to be an Actor, a C++ class. Now there’s no hard references when loading the parent actor.

In the example above we do lose all type information though, since we’re casting to such a basic class as Actor. A good option would be to have some more specialized base class for the variable to be able to call functions on it, by creating a new base C++ class with some empty functions and then override the functions in the child blueprints. Or, easier, to make a BP interface.
If you were to change the type to a Soft Object Reference it wouldn’t change much, soft references are mostly for storing references to assets that you want to reference but not load directly, or to actors in levels that might not be loaded/exist yet.

Then we have a variable with a Class Reference Type of variable. Just using a normal hard reference:

↑ In this case the Type of the variable is creating a hard reference to BP_TestChildActor, and the Value of the variable is also creating a hard reference to the class default that has been set, in this case a subclass of the BP_TestChildActor called BP_ExtendingChildActor.

This gives us two hard references. All child classes extending BP_TestChildActor of course also hard reference their parent class so that additional reference from the type is not a big deal.

Now lets say we make the variable be of the type Soft Class Reference:

↑ In this case, even though the variable is a soft class reference, the Type of the variable is creating a hard reference to BP_TestChildActor. However, the Value of the variable does not create a hard reference.

In the above example we can mitigate the hard reference again by using a C++ base class or an interface. Meaning that there will be no hard references to assets at all.

I hope this makes things a bit clearer. Like I said before, I think that a Soft Reference having its Type actually make a hard reference is not great and something that should be fixed in Unreal Engine, but like I mentioned there are ways around that until if and when we do fix that.

I’ve made a couple of resources that go a lot over the topic of references that I heavily recommend you check out to get fully versed in the topic:


Many thanks for this detailed answer :smiley:

( see my comment above, I remembered that you can use a typed soft class ref, as long as you do it in the load asset call )

I will check out these notes…

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watching the linked video - fantastic explanation of some things I’ve read about here and there but never understood. Thanks for sharing that

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