Blueprints and Inheritance on Mac

My project has previously been developed under Windows. When I pulled the project on a Mac, compiled and opened it, most of the blueprints were no longer available in the assets browser of the UE4 editor although the .uasset files are non-empty and at the right places in the file system of the operating system.

Certain blueprints however do show up. The main difference seems to be that the ones which don’t appear inherit from a user-modified class or blueprint, and those which work as intended are directly based on character, UMG user widget or other class which is totally unmodified and comes with the engine.

I have relied heavily on inheritance while developing the project and I would like to know
(1) can anyone verify this or has anyone else experienced this issue or a similar scenario? It’s always possible that I’m just doing something wrong and it would be a relief if this were the case.

(2) Is there something I could do to try to fix this issue, other than using a different platform or re-designing & re-implementing everything? For instance, can the engine or some of the scripts be told to search for the parent classes at higher depth, or to add more paths to the search, or to not search at all but get the stuff from a specific file?

I’m using OSX 10.11.4 El Capitan and the latest UE4 version 4.10. Thank you!

For full disclosure (and public embarrassment), the mystery was related to corrupted files in our repository and had nothing to do with inheritance or development on Mac. Everything’s fine now and the issue is closed.