Blueprints always invalidate my C++ Functions and Structs.

Hello everyone!

I have C++ Structs and Methods used in my Blueprints. Every time Unreal Engine restarted it invalidates C++ entities. It looks like this:

I use Save and Compile all the time, but It doesn’t work:
Screenshot 2024-04-23 164101

As I understand launching and building Visual Studio doesn’t impact directly Unreal Engine Editor project, but Live Coding launch does. So I need to relaunch Live Coding on start every time and reassemble all broken Blueprints.

It is so annoying and I believe it should not be like that. Why it happens, what I do wrong?

Hey @Human3_0

Do you launch the project from Visual Studio, or are you just opening the .uproject directly?

If it’s the later, make sure you’re compiling with Development Editor, but either way you should launch from VS.

If you compile in DebugGame Editor and then open the .uproject, the binaries are not valid, so all functions and classes from C++ are invalid for the Editor if you do that.

If this is not the case, please provide more info if you can

I launch Unreal Engine from Windows Start menu and pick my project from the grid.

I also tried to Re"Generate VS Project Files", clean and recompile solution - no effect.

ChatGPT mentioned that after some C++ changes Hot Reload mechanism could became broken and I need to completely remove Binaries , Intermediate , .vs , Saved and then Re"Generate VS Project Files".
And it worked, at last!)