BlueprintImplementableEvent with return type

Is this a possiblity currently? I implemented a function:

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category="Events")
	float OnUseItem(UAnimMontage* MontageToPlay, float PlayRate);

which then required me to override it in the Event Graph of the BP…so I did, but it didn’t seem to ever get called. Previously I had just a void return type and it worked fine. Am I missing something or is this just not supported yet?

I assume you want to input value then have return value in event, it’s not work like that. You call an event function give that some value and it be trigger then return that value.

Kind of middle function, not actually do anything, just trigger when you call and passing the variables.

I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying…are you saying the return value can’t come back through the event, it needs to come back through another function?

This is late and all but this link seems to have the answer in case anyone searches here. Return a value from a BlueprintImplementableEvent - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums

It’s not exactly an event. I never knew till recent you could do this.