Hello, currently i have been given a particular task, in which i am in need of a BluePrint Implementable Event, following rama’s tutorial
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i ended up with the following code, when adapting it to my needs, here is the header file .h
//data gathering function
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Data Gather", meta = (DisplayName = "objeto observado"))
FString GatherObjectId(const FString& ObjectID);
i have already tried for the function to have either void or FString as the return data type.
in the .cpp, i only have 1 line of code for triggering the event, this one line has yet to cause any problem and so far i dont think it matters in this case, if need be i can post the full code.
Now, the main problem is that i can’t see the event name in the event graph when i search for it, at all. I still consider myself fairly new, so it could be a problem not associated with the code, for more info here is a screen of the components tab of my editor.