Blueprinter/programmer for a pet caring game [video here]

Hey guys! We’ve been working on a pet caring game, but our blueprinter/programmer decided to quit the project (he switched job and city, said no time).

This pet caring game is supposed have 2 modes: caring and exploring. At the moment, you can care about the pet in the caring mode, feed it, put it to bed and give it clothes. In the exploring mode you can seek for more coins you can buy stuff for.

There’s also multiplayer already implemented for the exploring mode with a chat, for real treasure hunts.

Have a quick look (turn the volume down):

We want to (and always want to) turn this thing into a playable game! I’m sure you already have ideas what could be better. This is rather an enthusiastic project, but I’m willing to pay a few from my pocket if you bring a real enhancement to the game.

What we use: HipChat, Redmine, Git (+ Unreal, Blender, Substance, etc).

Please message me if interested!

This project looks pretty simple from a glance (not even seen the sources yet.) however, it leaves the question as to whether or not the graphics are something that I will be working with. I do not mind making imagery move. I am not experienced in designing what things look like.

Outside of that, the blueprints and behaviors as well as the C++ scripts look easy. We can talk about this more via Email: