Blueprint won't recieve input (and more!)

here’s the deal; I’m trying to create a weapon manager blueprint, one script that handles all the firing logic and will be fed by “weapons” made of lists of data telling it the range, spread, pellets per shot, etc. It can do stuff (like print a string every tick), but it won’t receive any input, and I don’t know how call it’s functions from a different blueprint that will (like the player controller).

So my questions are as follows;

  1. What are the best types of blueprints to create what I want? (for both the manager and weapons)
  2. Why won’t the one I’m using recognize input?
  3. How do I call a function from a different blueprint? (I keep getting " Accessed None trying to read property")
  1. you probably want inheritance for your Weapon, ie create a BP_WeaponBase with all the logic and then children with override like range, speed etc.
  2. I wouldnt put input on the weapon, put it on the character using the weapon
  3. You need a reference to the BP, like when you spawn the weapon it’ll return a Ref which you can save as type BP_WeaponBase and then you can call all your functions, or use an interface