Blueprint which always in "modified" state

I have a blueprint which based on my class derived from AActor and have component which derivied from UMovementComponent.
In Constructor of my Actor I’m initializing my movement component:

AShip::AShip(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP) : Super(PCIP)
	m_RootPrimitive = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPrimitiveRoot>(this, TEXT("PrimitiveBase"));
	m_MoveComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UShipMovementComponent>(this, TEXT("ShipMoveComponent"));

	RootComponent = m_RootPrimitive;

	m_MoveComponent->UpdatedComponent = m_RootPrimitive;

	Material = NULL;
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

Now if I’m opening my blueprint (in blueprint editor), which based on AShip, it will always be marked as modified. Even if I haven’t done anything.

I have the same problem. If i create a component with CreateDefaultSubobject in my base class. Then blueprint (driven from that class) ALWAYs marked as “changed” when i open it in editor.

Hello there,
I have the same problem too, but working on BP directly, without writing a single line of code : Blueprint marked as Changed without actually changing anything - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

Glad to know I’m not alone :slight_smile:

Fixed in 4.5