Blueprint Weapon System

Hello: I have a problem with the weapons system.
when I press the aim button. The weapon is in aiming position but when the button escapes. The character does not return to his normal position until after I press again on the aim button, meaning when I press the aim button, the character is in the aiming position, and when I press again, The character return to his normal position. What I want is when I press I am on the aiming position and when I release the button I go back to normal position.

You need to show your code for pressing the button.

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are you using Enhanced Input Subsystem, or the Project Settings method (completely removed int UE5.2)? in both methods there is a blueprint Exec pin for “released” (with Enhanced Input Subsystem it would probably be “completed”) are you sure that line is being triggered with like a “PrintString()” node

what do you mean by “weapon is in aiming position” is this an animation, a transform manipulation, or something else? for Animations how are you playing it PlayAnimMontage() or PlayMontage() or are you using some other method to animate? is this animation set to Loop because you might need to stop the loop.

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