Blueprint undo itself when other blueprint Complies


I’m having a problem that whenever I compile something script it somehow undo another blueprint script. It would undo itself by either combining variable or going into something that it should not been able to do.

I’m not sure if this was a bug or not.

Blueprint I have shown extends from game mode and HUD. Right now they are casting from :“get Player Pawn” and Casting them to KDCharacter and grabbing info Called PLayerPartner which is a KDCharacter Varialble(It Later Change to PartnerCharacter) which it holds nothing right now.When Something in level calls for Game Mode Function “Assign Partner” it assign a KDCharacter in Level to Player Controlled Character and Assign Ai controlled Character in level to player.
When that Happen KDCharacter will have that info to give to HUD for more to do.

That said when I gotten deeper into scripting and and try to execute game it sometime often tells me that Both HUD and GameMode doe not complie correctly even thought they did complie correctly. I’ll Show you what they were before and how they are now:

It usually was unrealiated to what I was changing in code. So Far Only My GameMode And HUD Are only one Changing.

Hey JvtheWanderer,

Can you be more specific about exactly what’s happening and in what order? When you compile one Blueprint, are you finding that another Blueprint is reverted to an earlier state, or is change unrelated to any changes you made? What’s happening in Blueprint images you’re showing? Are those ones that are changing? In what way? Can you show us a before/after shot of Blueprint that is being changed? Thanks!