BluePrint Tutorial problem

Yes, thats a vector β€œ+” operator

It adds one vector to another. Mark the question as Resolved please :slight_smile:

I am getting a problem with this tutorial I tried to copy and paste it as the tutorial says to do but i get to the point where it says conflicting nodes when i try to copy and paste it and it just makes a lot of empty nodes. So i started working my way through but couldnt find this node Could i know where to find it, I am assuming its a node that checks against a asset or checks the object to see if null.

That’s a common β€œ!=” operator node, but in this case you may want to use IsValidNode to check validity

Regarding the problem of having conflicting nodes, it can be because of various reasons:

  • The UE4 version between the projects is not the same

  • You have lack of references

  • There are missing functions on the code

Thanks that was a great help, also wondering if you know this one. Screenshot - 5ff83a7b49668e9c1fce9a1106dcdb15 - Gyazo