Blueprint to aim solar panels. Yaw tracks, Roll does not

So I followed advices that was given in another post

I have managed to get the YAW tracking to work.
For whatever reason the roll for the panels is not working and im at a loss for why

The panel YAW works as expected (opnce adding a 90deg offset) and you can see from the editor start and the play start that the YAW has adjusted

But you will notice the Panels arent rolling at all. Not even with an incorrect offset, just not rolling period and im at a loss.
The panels are YAWing as expected (to keep them aligned with the “pegs” on the base of the object) but they wont roll.

Im new enough to know I dont know what im missing. Can someone please help me out?

If you grab the panels and rotate them manually, in the blueprint, is X the correct movement axis?

Yes ROLL is the correct axis rotation.
But it just dawned on me what was wrong.
The model (which i dont have the original of) has it set up so that pitch and roll are reversed.

I need to take the Y (Pitch) value from the “Find Look at Rotation” node and connect that to the X (Roll) of the “Set World Rotation” node.

It was so simple and id been looking at it for HOURS trying to figure out what i was missing.

It has been solved.

Kit Bash 3D makes some great “model kits” but i do have to say that their attention to detail is sometimes a little lacking it creates problems like this. oh well its solved and I want to thank you all for your input.

That’s why I said to check… :wink:

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The solar panels “pitch” is roll instead. so silly. Thank you.

That KB stuff is made by ‘non-UE-ers’… :slight_smile: