But you will notice the Panels arent rolling at all. Not even with an incorrect offset, just not rolling period and im at a loss.
The panels are YAWing as expected (to keep them aligned with the “pegs” on the base of the object) but they wont roll.
Im new enough to know I dont know what im missing. Can someone please help me out?
Yes ROLL is the correct axis rotation.
But it just dawned on me what was wrong.
The model (which i dont have the original of) has it set up so that pitch and roll are reversed.
I need to take the Y (Pitch) value from the “Find Look at Rotation” node and connect that to the X (Roll) of the “Set World Rotation” node.
It was so simple and id been looking at it for HOURS trying to figure out what i was missing.
It has been solved.
Kit Bash 3D makes some great “model kits” but i do have to say that their attention to detail is sometimes a little lacking it creates problems like this. oh well its solved and I want to thank you all for your input.