blueprint threadsafe update

dose blueprint thread safe update in the amin blueprint work like a tick event, where it gets called every frame.

This works almost like Tick, although it might not be called every frame because it runs on separate thread.
If you want to do some testing on that, you can use LogString to print something and add another log to some tick function.


So, the Laya project has it info in the Blueprint threadsafe Update,
So i guess storing logic there is more beneficial? when i was readding the epic page they said, “Blueprints and components within your project, such as variables, must be called by your Animation Blueprint, rather than pushed to it”. i don’t really understand this statement.

for instance, i am referencing in Character BP Logic with the property Access Node for a Turn in Place character movement and other such things mostly Bools. by creating a variable with that name and setting with the Property Access Node it with the corresponding variable, guess that what that statement is saying?

but i also had a function to set the max walk speed there as well, is that pushing Data there.

also i am having trouble with Enums. to get the Enum pass data from the CharacterBP to the Character ABP i have to create a Bite variable and then set it to the Emun and in the two BPs to get it a Talk to each other and send into on.
effectively i have 2 Enums one label the same for each BP and a Bite variable to pass on but i have to always check it in event Tick. any other was apart from having a tone of bools.

So i guess storing logic there is more beneficial?

→ Yes, because then it doesn’t execute on game thread.

By pushing to ABP they mean that you shouldn’t change it’s variables anywhere else than in that blueprint.
Reading data from ACharacter in Blueprint threadsafe Update - GOOD
Saving to MovementSpeed variable stored on ABP from ACharacter - BAD
That is all to ensure you will get most of logic executed in “blueprint thread safe” because if you save change the variable on ABP in ACharacter it will execute(The saving) on GameThread instead of the one that handles “blueprint thread safe” execution.

I don’t have time now but I’ll try to reply regarding the enums later.

Best regards archi :smiley:

Thanks Mate, that dose make a bit more sence All good

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