Blueprint structure lost after build


I am making a project in VR with Unreal Engine 5! I have a door with a blueprint and the idea is that the player could get the “knob” of the door to open it, so I make a blueprint for it. So when I make the build, this object it disapears it has a convination of, StaticMesh and a SphereColision the Sphere it represents the “knob” as I said, it could be that SphereColision with StaticMesh are getting together and generating this problems… And also I have to say that every move after the build (if I do cntrl+z the blueprint restructures so I see the object again) the blueprint desestructures again and I don’t see the object again. One of the warnings it’s this one: “LogNavigation: Warning: FNavigationOctree::AddNode: Ignoring PuertaStaticMesh because bounds are invalid.”

Thank U!!!

Hello I have the same error: LogNavigation: Warning: FNavigationOctree::AddNode: Invalid bounds

Have you found any answers to resolve your original question since June 2023?

Thank you

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Heya, got any knowledge on this since ?