BluePrint Struct don't memorize data

Hi Guys, I’m making my shop menu (weapons ), i have 2 structures, first “PlayerStruct” (player coins player level ecc…)
second i have “WeaponSruct” (price damge ecc…), i ve made buy menu, it works, it subtracts the PRICE at PLAYER COINS it set the weapon Acquired ( Bool Variable), but he don t save the values in fact when i turn back at main menu i display the “PlayerStruct” values but they’re displayed as default values.

*the operation of buying is made between the 2 struct in WEAPON SHOP WIDGET

**in MAIN SHOP WIDGET are displayed PlayerStruct values, (the modified values aren’t displayed, are displayed default values).

** if turn back from MAIN MENU to WEAPON SHOP struct variables are displayed as default ( it don’t change the value)

Where are these structures? They either need to be in the game instance or the save game. When you update them, write it to the game instance / save game. Next time, you read it from there etc…

Hi, these struct are in the game instance, ok so i need to have these struct in the save function? i ll try in this mode, in fact i ve problems saving simple variables too