Blueprint spline line curve point control not showing on viewport

Hello all,

I’m new to UE5. I’m trying to place a blueprint with a spline component into my level. However, on the viewport, there is no visible curve point. I’m wondering if I missed anything or is there a bug in UE5? Thanks…

Uploading: splineLine2.PNG…

Do you mean this stuff?

You need to have the spline selected.

Hello! Yes, I can select it in the blueprint viewport, but not in the level viewport. Please take a look at this. The control point is not visible when I drag it in the level viewport.

Have you pressed G? ( game mode )

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Yes! That’s it! I didn’t… The G does the trick! Thank you so much!


This is not per se a Gameview issue.

We also have to select the Spline in the Details panel (using UE5.3)