So, i am following the infinite runner tutorial from unreal official YouTube channel, and i am facing a strange problem. I followed the tutorial and in that tutorial we use an “Arrow” and use it as “Attachment point” from where new “Tile” is Spawned. But in my case, the tile is spawning in different direction that arrow and also when Attachment Point positioned correctly the tiles starts to overlap.
It seems to be the corridor’s center point is not the exact “corridor center point”.
Are the corridor an Actor or just a mesh?
If the corridor is just an Actor, can you show us?
But before that, can you add an arrow component on attacher and on the corridor so we can see their forward direction?
Thank you for your answer,
As you pointed out, i changed “center point” of corridor and my Arrow to 0,0,0.
2.And then,taking x+ as forward modified my corridor according to that.
3.Then started moving the arrow according to that, , and It fixed It
Thank you for your help