Blueprint runtime errors, despite working.

My partner and I just finished getting portal blueprints working where a character will instantly change locations from one portal to the other portal when overlapped. It seems to work just fine.

The “issue” is after we stop playing we get a lot of blueprint runtime errors thrown at us related to them and the Set World Location function that we use. I feel like we probably shouldn’t just leave them as is.

Here are the errors: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Blueprint: Portal Function: Execute Ubergraph Portal Graph: EventGraph Node: SetWorldLocation

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_K2_GetRootComponent_ReturnValue_1”. Blueprint: Portal Function: Execute Ubergraph Portal Graph: EventGraph Node: SetWorldLocation

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsDrop_Character_1”. Blueprint: Portal Function: Execute Ubergraph Portal Graph: EventGraph Node: SetWorldLocation

Anyone have any idea what might need to be done with these errors?

Yeah, you’re feeding SetWorldLocation with an invalid value. If you want more details, you must show some code.

Here’s the code on the portal object…tZ-HYdrli0KCJk

First, consider using Tags to simplify this mess.

Second, why are you teleporting both the root and the mesh components? Why not the actor itself?

Third, does the portal 2 contains the same logic? I mean, can you teleport from portal 1 to portal 2 and vice-versa?

Haven’t used tags much, will look into it.

We are teleporting ragdolls.

Portal 2 does not contain the same logic, it is intended to be 1 way.