Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property Selected Exit Point". Node: SpawnActor Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph Dungeon Generator Blueprint: Dungeon_Generator

I followed a tutorial to the tee and I think it’s just an issue with the a setting somewhere that isn’t creating the layout properly or using the selected exit point. I keep getting this error

“Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Selected Exit Point”. Node: SpawnActor Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph Dungeon Generator Blueprint: Dungeon_Generator:”

This is the code I have

It spawns the 2nd room but it spawns it in a set location and not a random one. It should be spawning on “exit points” and there are 3 total (1 on each side of the square except the main entrance) So it has to be a setting inside of URE5.


The editor is complaining about the content of this array:

How do you populate it?

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If I’m understanding your question correctly, how does it pick where to spawn from when choosing “Exits List” , it’s based off of this folder and these arrows

It wouldn’t let me post the 2nd screenshot but here is the actual map itself to give a visual of “spawn points”

The variable you’re using has nothing to do with the component you’re showing - at least judging by what we can see atm. The list may be based on it, sure - but how do you populate the array variable? Where is the script that does that?

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Based off the guide I was going off of it wasn’t added on the 2nd event only the first. On the initial script I ran I just appended it (see below) but that was just to spawn the one room with the arrows. When I run “Print String” it shows the 3 exit points in the folder.

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We Get Children Components of Exits Folder, right? That bit looks about right.

Could you test the lenght of this array here:

I want to apologize in advance. I’m a super novice but I believe this is what you meant (without creating a new node)

It won’t allow me to connect it. Even if I break the line to Random.

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It’s just to test it, here’s what I meant:

I sense that array is empty. What does it print?

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You are correct, nothing is running through it

What do you mean? Could you confirm the length of the array?

What I meant is generally if the script was good a red line would run through it but here there isn’t a red line so I assumed it’s just a dead script (there’s nothing happening)

It stopped spawning the 2nd room altogether

You clearly hit the breakpoint here:

It’s not spawning the room because you disconnected the rest of the script.

Do run the original script that generated the errors - errors are fantastic news, generally speaking:

Run the script as it was, but also print the length of the array where the red arrow it.

Another thing regarding:

“Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Selected Exit Point”. Node: SpawnActor Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph Dungeon Generator Blueprint: Dungeon_Generator:”

When you clicked the error in the log, it took you to that very place in the BP that you show in the 1st post, right?

Correct. So, I tried it again and it spawns the 2nd room once more but it is still in the fixed location.

It’s actually insane because once I continue down the same “Dungeon Generation” tutorial and I get to the integers portion, it will literally spawn 15 random “rooms” like Dungeon_Room113, Dungeon_Room48, etc.

But it will spawn all of them at the 0’,0’,0’ coordinates instead of using the exit points as spawn points. So completely unsure why the Selected Exit Points are causing that issue when I never edited them to begin with (other than selecting the ‘show in game’ setting)

You get no return from the array, you get 0,0,0 as the default value because an element is invalid. Could you please confirm the length of the array? Asking nicely for the 3rd time :innocent:

I am super sorry. I’m practically a 5 year old when it comes to this. This is what I got from your previous “try out” in terms of putting the “print string” into that specific location in the code. Not sure where to find the “length” but I assume it’s that green string I attached it to (I hope for your sanity’s sake I am right - again super sorry)

Length goes into the inString pin, not Duration. You should see a value printed when run the project. Check my screenshot with the Print String.

Thank you, it came back as 4

And it should be 3. Select that array variable and check if you accidently added an element in the details panel.