Thank You for your time, maybe someone can help me for my issue, im watching tutorial about NPC and Quest on YouTube, i’ve been watching the tutorial step by step, but still got this issue, when i compile and play, i accept the quest, Quest Log widget is not display to the screen, and when i back to blueprint i got notification, it say :
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Blueprint: BP_LearningKit_PlayerCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Learning Kit Player Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add Child to Vertical Box
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property QuestLog”. Blueprint: BP_LearningKit_PlayerCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Learning Kit Player Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add Child to Vertical Box
Thank You for your help, i appreciate it so much, im so sorry if i take your time, im a nubie and still learn about blueprint and game develope
im copy this blueprint from another project, and thats variable i right click and then create a variable, am i do a wrong step, should i create this variable manualy
Nope, the key is how you populate this variable. I guess you just copied it without any work. You need to write to this variable a ref to an object, otherwise, this piece of code won’t work.
sorry that was my fault, because I just copied so I didn’t pay attention to the pin connection anymore, I should have connected it to event BeginPlay but I didn’t