Blueprint RepNotify: Replication Condition Skip Owner does not skip owner.

I’m trying to replicate a Vector variable in my character blueprint in a multiplayer game. I set my vector variable to RepNotify and set the condition to SkipOwner. Assuming we have 3 players:


When I change the value of the variable on the server, for example, I would expect the OnRep function for this variable to be called only on Client1 and Client2 since I have it set to SkipOwner. But instead, I see it called three times, once on Server, Client1, and Client2.

In the OnRep function I just print “Running OnRep…”
In the console, when I hit the G key, I see:
Server: Running OnRep…
Client 1: Running OnRep…
Client 2: Running OnRep…

Am I misunderstanding what “Owner” means here? This condition doesn’t seem to have any effect at all. I see the same output in the console when I set the replication condition to None.

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This is specifically intended behavior for the blueprint node “Set w/ Notify”, it always calls the local OnRep function, regardless of replication conditions. This doesn’t happen when setting variables values in C++.