I figured it was about time to jump in and learn blueprints, I started by creating 2 projects one being the side scroller (blueprints only) and the other a blank project, then I recreated the side scroller BP’s in my blank project to learn how to make them and how they work with each other but when I assign my camera BP to the “player camera class” of my controller BP and hit play all I get is a black screen, if I don’t assign my camera BP and hit play it works using the default camera. there are 4 differences between the side scroller and my game.
- I used a different mesh, Its a sphere with 2 bones (I tried putting my sphere into the side scroller and it worked fine, so its not that).
- in my player BP I left out the jump function (because I don’t need/want it).
- when I recreated the level BP there is a “delay” node witch says “target is actor” in the side scroller game but when I tried to make the “delay” node in my game it says “target is self”.
- when I recreated my camera BP there is a “get actor location” node, it says “target is self”
but in the side scroller the node says “target is actor”.
other then those 4 things all settings and properties in my game are exactly the same as the side scrollers, I did try changing the nodes in the side scroller BP’s to the same as the ones I had in my game and it still worked fine so I have no idea why my camera doesn’t work.
any suggestions on what i’ve missed or done wrong?