How can I get a text list of all of the variable properties of a blueprint? I am trying to create an external index of properties, associated variables and definitions as a reference tool for the Ark Ascended devkit.
// UClass* Class
for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> Prop(Class, EFieldIteratorFlags::SuperClassFlags::ExcludeSuper); Prop; ++Prop)
FString Type1, Type2;
Type1 = Prop->GetCPPType(&Type2);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("%s%s %s"), *Type1, *Type2, *Prop->GetName());
Forgive my ignorance, I’m brand new to UE dev work but it’s possible to execute custom compiled C++ in the Ark Dev Kit? I don’t remember why but I was under the impression that it doesn’t support custom C++.